We would like to recognize some of our talented members who have recently been recognized in some way.

Fazia Rizvi
Her tapestry, Sunset, is on display in the “So Close/So Far” exhibit at the Downtowner Gallery in Round Rock until July 8. There will be an Open House reception on June 18th, 10-3. Exhibit description: From tiny to telescopic, new exhibit plays with perspective and scale, with artists depicting realistic and abstract imagery from the imagination, personal experience, and even from outer space. Fazia Instagrams at @fazia_rizvi
Susan Fricks of Yarnorama
Published two articles in the Ply Magazine Goat Issue. One on spinning mohair and one on weaving a shawl with the handspun for both warp and wef
Joey Barnes
Got a shout out from Jane Stafford in the JST newsletter
Steven Salazar
Submitted a proposal for Gist Yarn’s open call for designers…and was selected!!! We’re looking forward do seeing what he comes up with
Phyllis Miller
Published two articles on woven shashiko in the Nov/Dec 2021 issue of Handwoven. One was an inspiration piece combining woven sashiko with vintage kimono fabric, and the other was a project piece with instructions for a finished scarf.
Astrid Tauber
Has been busy!
Maryland Sheep and Wool 2022 awards (all in the junior category):
1st Garment woven from commercial yarn
1st Plied yarn spun from commercially prepared fibers
1st and 2nd place Miscellaneous woven from commercial yarn
5th Mamie Francis Blanket Competition
Best junior spinner overall
Longest skein on the e-spinner
Best on the e-spinner overall
She also published in the Ashford blog, among them are these
Kaleidoscopic in Ashford Cotton
Shoe Tutorial