
The WSSA keeps an extensive fiber library as well as a long list of fiber equipment. After you’ve been a member for three months, you are eligible to check out books and equipment. Our Assets Chair is Virginia Smith.

Go to the WSSA Library catalog on Biblionix

Go to WSSA catalog on  Library Thing

We are very excited to have had Jennifer Hughes, a student from UT’s School of Information work with us to catalog our periodicals and other non-book items.

See Bylaws for procedures and rules to check out library materials.

Some other weaving libraries you might want to explore:

Complex Weavers (only members can check out books, but it’s fun to see what they have)

Handweavers’ Guild of America

The library committee would also like to remind you of some of the wonderful resources available online:

  • Handwoven Magazine’s Indexes – “These indexes provide past issue information
    presented by author/designer and by subject.” You can use these indexes
    to search for topics and then check the guild’s collection.