Textured Art Yarn Spinning Study Group

The Textured Art Yarn Spinning Study Group meets once a month to practice and provide encouragement to the group to expand spinning skills in a variety of textured or art yarn styles. So far we have experimented with core spinning, spinning mohair locks, thick and thin, coils, and tail spinning. We will be learning tornado, spinning with clouds, stringing objects, cables, boucle, and beehives. We have been working our way thru Jacey Boggs’ book Spin Art: Mastering the Craft of Spinning Textured Yarn.

We meet at Sarah Monger’s house from 1-3 on the second Saturday of the month.  Please contact her at  if you are interested in joining. We have a ton of fun and everyone is enjoying expanding our spinning repertoire!

We are planning to demonstrate a variety of techniques and have a variety of samples for the WSSA WEST studio next May.