May 2021 Meeting

Program Night — Spinning Off a Tip, Amelia Garripoli
Thursday, May 13, 2021
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Zoom link will be sent out via the Googlegroup

Amelia Garripoli, author of Productive Spindling, will talk about support spindles.

Support spindles, charkas, and quills on wheels are all fascinating tools that diverge from main-stream spindle and wheel spinning. Support spindles circle the world, and they share techniques tailored to their form. In this talk she will demo Navajo, Indian Tahkli, Russian, Vietnamese Phang, Akha, Portuguese, and Scottish Dealgan to show their similarities and differences, and then demo charka spinning and quill spinning. We’ll discuss the yarns each is suited for and how they can be used to create everything from thread to art yarns.

There are no hands-on meetings while the rec centers are closed due to COVID.