Jillian Moreno, the author of the book Yarnitecture: A Knitter’s Guide to Spinning, will be coming to Austin in January 2020 to share her knowledge of spinning the yarn you want for a project. While her book may be marketed specifically to knitters, Jillian started out as a weaver and most of her book is relevant to spinning both weaving and knitting yarns. The first two days of her workshop will focus on how to sample to choose the right breed or blend, the preparation, the draft, the ply, and finish for exactly the yarn you want for a project. Sunday morning, she will show us how to set all those technical specifics aside and use our intuition to get the yarn we want with only our eyes, hands, and a few guidelines.
You can first meet Jillian at the WSSA program meeting on Thursday, January 9, 2020, 7:00 pm, at the Northwest Recreation Center. She will talk about her book and the process of writing it.
The spinning workshop begins on Friday, January 10, 2020, at 9:00 am and ends on Friday and Saturday at 4:00 pm. “Intuitive Spinning” will begin Sunday at 9:00 am and finish by noon.
Registration is now open LINK