Weaving with Painted Warps Workshop, Feb. 11-12, 2012





Introduction to Weaving with Handpainted Yarns Workshop

Do handpainted yarns call to you until you get them home and can’t decide how to best use them?  Diane Smith and Catherine Chung of Just Our Yarn are coming to Austin to help us explore how the choice of weave structure combined with handpainted yarns can create extraordinary magical results.  Study the effects of hue, value, structure and thread size.  This two-­‐day round robin workshop will investigate simple weave structures that can be used to create surprising and unique fabrics.

Dates:  Saturday, February 11, 2012, and Sunday, February 12, 2012
Time:  10 am-­‐ 4pm both days
Place:  Old Oaks Ranch, Wimberley, Texas
Tuition:  $168 for WSSA members and $178 for non-­‐members.
Material Fee:  $55 payable in class.
Skill Level:  Beginning to advanced, but must be able to warp a loom
Preparation:  Complete and return a questionnaire by December 11.  JOY will then send out appropriate yarn and instructions to warp loom in advance of the class

Here are some examples of our work from the JOY workshop