WSSA Open Studio
Saturday and Sunday, November 2-3, 2024
WEST Austin Studio Tour Stop #15
Saturday and Sunday, November 9-10, 2024
noon to 6:00 PM
2802 Benbrook Drive, Austin, TX 78757
Weavers and Spinners Society of Austin (WSSA) is once again participating in the WEST portion of the annual Austin Studio Tour, sponsored by Big Medium in early November. And since one weekend is not nearly enough, we’ve added an extra weekend of our own and a special welcome night for new guild members.
Our theme this year is “tradition as inspiration” and our studio gallery will showcase how traditional techniques and patterns have inspired modern weaving, spinning, and dyeing artisans. Come find one-of-a-kind gifts, or just enjoy the art, hand crafted by central Texas weavers, spinners, and dyers.

Guest Artist
Tom Gingras, Metal Sculptor
(To be announced.)
Demonstrations and Presentations
Demonstrations and presentations include “The Charkha”, “Adventures in Owning a Yarn Shop”, Sami Bands”, “Spinning Wheel Renovation”, “Tradition as Inspiration”, and “The Yak in Tibetan Culture”.
Spinning Contests
Our spinners are competing in four events this year. Come watch as they compete for prizes, or cast your vote for the best skein of yarn.
Guild Garage Sale
Our annual garage sale is a treasure trove of new and gently used weaving and spinning equipment and supplies. A portion of the proceeds goes to support guild programming and activities as well as fund our equipment loan program.