Program Night
October 8, 2015
6:30 pm to 8:45
NorthWest Recreation Center
A Weaverly Path video about about tapestry weaver Silvia Heyden. This visually stunning portrait of the Swiss-born tapestry weaver captures the inner dialogue and meditations of an extraordinary artist in the moments of creation. The film follows Heyden during a year of weaving and reflection. Heyden creates works inspired by the Eno River in Durham, North Carolina and shares how nature, music, her Bauhaus influences, and her life experiences anchor and inform her weaving. Heyden is a 20th century modernist whose body of work redefines the art of modern tapestry. (from the website)
Meg Wilson will also share about her trip to Scotland
October 22, 2015
7:00 pm to 9:00
Austin Recreation Center
It’s a spinning and weaving bee! Bring your wheels and looms (or any project) and we will make beautiful fiber together. Also, on hand will be supplies and instruction for those who would like to learn how to make a recycled drop spindle. Great chance to get a start in spinning yarn.
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