Bring all your woven bands to the May meeting at NorthWest Rec Center. We hope to have enough to spread all the way around the room. That might be 20 feet x 40 feet or thereabouts. I hope we get examples of all the types of band weaving that we have done in the past…including inkle bands, Andean pebble weave, tablet or card weaving, rigid heddle bands, twinning, split braids and the list goes on. We can learn so much from seeing what everyone has done and if you can talk about your work and share patterns that would be wonderful. We will try a few types of band weaving then on project night.
The Blanton has a wonderful exhibit now on Ancient Andean Pottery and Weaving. This should be a must see for us this spring and summer. If you have been to the exhibit and want to give a report to us at either of the meetings that would be appreciated.