December Guild Program Night Meeting and Annual Holiday Party
Thursday, December 12, 2024
7:00 to 9:00 pm CDT
See our members-only event calendar or Googlegroup for location and Zoom link.
A short business meeting will be over Zoom as well as in person.
Meg will once again host us at her house. New guild members are warmly invited and encouraged to join in.
Bring something delicious and don’t forget your handwoven, handspun, or hand-dyed projects that you want everyone to ooooh and ahhh over. Meg normally provides all cups, plates, napkins, utensils, serving utensils and ice. Anyone needing to put a hot dish in the oven can come a little early (5:45 p.m. and on) to do that if they need to.
Please bring either a weaving, or a spinning, or “other” type of gift if you wish to participate. (You’ll be placing them in one of three piles.)
The annual party usually begins at 7 p.m. with a brief 15 minute guild business meeting.
Hands-on Night
Thursday, December 26, 2023
7:00-9:00 PM
In person! at Austin Recreation Center
1301 Shoal Creek Blvd, Austin, TX 78701
Other regularly scheduled meetings in December:
Saturday, December 14 – Spinning Study Group
Thursday, December 19 – Swatch Study Group
Saturday, December 28 – Spinning Group – General Spin-In
See our members-only event calendar, newsletter, or Googlegroup for locations or Zoom links.