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Connie Creed shows children how to use a drop spindle at Austin Science Fun Day.




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Connie Creed spins at Austin Science Fun Day stage demonstration.Our President Sue Plattsmier coordinates WSSA volunteers for weaving and spinning demonstrations.

Some recent/future events at which members participate include:

  • Pioneer Farm Frontier Days
  • French Legation
  • Spinning and Weaving Week

Photo: WSSA member Connie Creed demonstrates spinning.

Martha Clark's Fiber Arts Presentation at Kiker Elementary School, May 17, 2011

Martha Clark performed a wonderful demonstration for Kiker Elementary School. She presented the wide-range of fiber options, from animal and plant fibers to man-made products. Martha used a large demo board and several hands-on items that she brought with her, at least 4 tubs worth of weaving treasures -- hand held looms, fiber samples, printed articles, youth books, toy fiber animals, and a bamboo plant. Martha's presentation lasted about 20 minutes, then there was about 30 minutes for the students to try out working with fibers at activity stations: Jan's rigid heddle loom; Martha's inkle loom; Virginia's inkle loom and 18" triangle loom; and Irene's drop spindles. The students were Ms. Talley's class of about 20 fifth-graders. All were completely engaged, and several exclamations of awe and appreciation were heard. Kudos to Martha for all her efforts and determination to create this fiber arts demonstration.

October is the convergence of the International Year of Natural Fiber (UN) and the national Spinning and Weaving Week , October 5-11, 2009.

WSSA will celebrate Spinning and Weaving Week with several public demonstrations of spinning and weaving:

We invite everyone to come see spinning and weaving in action and maybe even try their hand at drop spinning or weaving on a rigid heddle loom!

Donation: Letitia Rogers, owner of Sheepthrills and WSSA member, generously donated a drum carder to Talitha Cumi (USA office: 303-306-1329), a group that teaches marketable skills to poverty stricken women in India. They are taking 10 donated spinning wheels for the production of yarn and silk and requested drum carders from US guilds. Without this help many of these women and children die of starvation or are sold into temple prostitution.

Saltillo on Cinco Sarape Project/Center for Mexican American Cutural Arts (CMACA), Inc./East Austin School Children

Valerie Menard, volunteer at CMACA, who purchased a hand-made loom from the Saltillo area of Mexico, and a weaver from Saltillo, will demonstrate sarape weaving at four East Austin elementary schools to encourage children to learn to weave and pass on these techniques. Valerie requested WSSA to warp the loom last year and this year. Cheryl Engel did so last year; Meg, Eileen, and Sharon helped Sept. 8, 2006. For more info on CMACA, see
(Click thumbnails below to view larger images.)

Meg at front of loom

Eileen threads heddles back beam of the loom

© Weavers and Spinners Society of Austin 2004
Last Updated March 26, 2012