Where’s the Pop? Webb Challenge, 2012

Lead by Mickey Stam

The challenge is to create a fiber piece that takes advantage of the wonderful treasure chest of yarn donated to the guild by the James LA Webb family, while also stretching our individual skills.  We invite you to get outside your comfort zone and explore colors, structures, or techniques you many not have tried before.  Think about what might really ‘pop’ on the runway or in a gallery show.  Here is an opportunity for us to step out of our creative boxes to add more contrast in color or texture or whatever inspires and go for the WOW factor.

Our deadline is intended to allow us time to have a program to discuss all the pieces, while also giving us time to enter our work in any CHT 2013 juried exhibitions, if desired.  All the pieces not in other exhibitions will be part of the WSSA guild exhibit at the CHT conference.

Challenge requirements:

Use all or part of the yarn from the Webb donation.
Any fiber-related technique: weaving, felting, spinning, embellishment, etc.
Deadline is February 2013 program meeting.

  1. If weaving, provide copy of draft, materials, sett, etc., for Challenge sample book
  2. If not weaving, provide information on how it was made
  3. Provide information of source, if not an original design
  4. Provide approximately 6×6” sample and photograph for Challenge sample book
  5. While display at the CHT conference is not a requirement for participation, it is hoped that every piece is either in the WSSA exhibition or one of the other shows at the conference.
  6. If the piece is displayed in another CHT exhibition or any other exhibition, credit should be given to the Webb donation and WSSA in some way.
  7. While there will be no judging or jurying for the challenge by WSSA, it is hoped that all the pieces are brought to the February 2013 program meeting to discuss the effectiveness of the “pop” and how that specialness was achieved.  This is intended to educate all of us, rather to pass judgment on the quality each piece.

We hope that all of you are inspired to create some fiber piece, no matter your technical level, that stretches your design skills.