November 13, 2014 Program Night – So you want to enter a fashion show ?

One of the highlights of the Contemporary Handweavers of Texas conference is the fashion show.

colorful_floral_girl_silhouette_148620At our November meeting,  Meg Wilson will fill us in on details relating to the CHT fashion show and some of the specifics of submitting a garment to the CHT Conference “Warp Speed Ahead” in June 2015.

Aimee Kandl will then present what judges may be looking for in a garment, as well as giving pointers and tips for entering apparel into the fashion show.

Finally Mickey Stam, Colleen Launer Yarbrough and Pam James will share their experience weaving for garment construction and entering a juried show. Colleen recently won 2nd place at the Wool Festival at Taos for one of her garments.

Please bring  any woven apparel they you have made, and if an item which was entered a show to be judged, to we’d love to see  the judges comment form.

There is no Hands-on night in November due to Thanksgiving.